

Primary LanguagePython

helloBaserock reference system definitions

Baserock is a system for developing embedded and appliance Linux systems. For
more information, see <http://wiki.baserock.org>.

These are some example definitions for use with Baserock tooling. You can fork
this repo and develop your own systems directly within it, or use it as a
reference point when developing your own set of definitions.

These definitions follow the Baserock definitions format, which is defined in
spec.git repository (http://git.baserock.org/cgit/baserock/baserock/spec.git).

The spec is readable online at <http://docs.baserock.org/spec>.

The systems listed in the systems/ directory are example systems
that build and run at some point. The only ones we can be sure
that still build in current master of definitions are the ones that
we keep building in our ci system; they are listed in

Keeping up to date

The Baserock definitions format is evolving. A set of automated migrations is
provided in the migrations/ directory of spec.git, for use when the format has
changed and you want to bring your definitions up to date.

Before running the migrations, you can use the 'migrations/indent' tool to
format the definitions in the specific style that the migrations expect.
The migrations use the 'ruamel.yaml' Python library for editing the .morph
files. This library preserves comments, ordering and some of the formatting
when it rewrites a .morph file. However, it does impose a certain line width
and indent style.

It makes a lot of sense to run the migrations with a *clean Git working tree*,
so you can clearly see what changes they made, and can then choose to either
commit them, tweak them, or revert them with `git reset --hard` and write an
angry email.

The suggested workflow is to run this from within your definitions.git clone:

    git clone git://git.baserock.org/baserock/baserock/spec ../spec.git

    git status  # ensure a clean Git tree
    git diff    # check for any spurious changes
    git commit -a -m "Fix formatting"
    git diff    # check the results
    git commit -a -m "Migrate to version xx of Baserock definitions format"

If you are working in a fork of the Baserock definitions.git repo, you can
also keep to date with using changes in 'master' using `git merge`. In general,
we recommend first running the migrations, committing any changes they make,
*then* merging in changes using `git merge`. This should minimise the number of
merge conflicts, although merge conflicts are still possible.

See migrations/GUIDELINES for information on how to write new migrations.