Source Code for the Mirai ioT botnet to be used for Research & IoC Development Purposes
Please read the help doc if you want to know how it all functions and how to set it up
$ apt-get install gcc golang electric-fence mysql-server mysql-client
- gcc
- golang
- electric-fence
- mysql-server
- mysql-client
All primary components of the botnet can be found in this repository, including the DLR, Mirai and the loader.
Mirai (日语未来) 运行在linux 下的远程控制僵尸网络, 利用IOT网络设备发起网络攻击的网络.
日期: | 目标: | 攻击量: |
Oct 21, 2016 | Dyn DNS (Impacted Twitter, Amazon, Tumblr, Reddit, Spotify and Netflix) | 1.2Tbps? |
Sept 22, 2016 | OVH | 1Tbps |
Sept 13, 2016 | KrebsOnSecurity | 620Gbps |
Aug 17, 2016 | Incapsula | 280Gbps |
The presumed developer goes under the pseudonym of 'Anna Senpai'