The Button Monitor

Monitor /r/thebutton. Built in a couple of hours over easter.

Visit The Button Monitor


  • Animations are limited to 30 frames/sec. Thanks to @CapnRat
  • Current flair color is shown in the favicon
  • Countdown timer is now shown in the title. Thanks to @blixt
  • More statistics and colored gridlines. Thanks to @kaitenzushi
  • You can now mouse over bars to see stats
  • WebSocket URL tokens are now fetched and shouldn't expire. Thanks to @lezed1
  • Use mouse wheel to zoom. Thanks to @MiestrSpounk


  • x is the number of clicks since you've started monitoring
  • y is the time left when the timer was reset
  • a participant is someone who has clicked the button
  • the timer is reset when someone clicks the button
  • a reset is counted when the timer is reset
  • a click is counted when the participants increases
  • there can be multiple participants (i.e., clicks) per reset
  • a tick is counted every time new data is received

