
A starting boilerplate for TypeScript web applications that use a GraphQL backend powered by MongoDB.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Typescript RElay Mongoose Boilerplate

A turn-key boilerplate that works out of the box to build web applications with a TypeScript GraphQL backend and a React/Relay front-end.

The application is pre-built with Users, which are objects with a firstName and lastName field.

Installing / Getting started

Install all dependencies of the project.

npm i

Follow configuration steps below to configure TREMBO.

Both NODE_ENV and DB_ADDR environment variables must be set before the start command can be run on a TREMBO server.

NODE_ENV can be dev, prod, or test.

DB_ADDR must point to the address of an accessible and running instance of MongoDB (e.g. mongodb://

npm build
DB_ADDR=... NODE_ENV=... npm start

There are also convenience scripts available to do this for you located at scripts/. As detailed in the configuration section, these need to be configured before they can be useful.

Initial Configuration

Note: Yarn may need to be installed on your system to complete the following.

Getting a TREMBO configured for development is simple.

Replace the placeholder database names in the script with the path of the local test and local development database you're using. Note that you need an accessible running instance of MongoDB running in order to use TREMBO.

Your test and development database path can be the same (though this is not recommended).

# scripts/runIntTestsLocally
# scripts/runServerLocally
# scripts/seedLocalDb

Clean the project directory and make sure the project builds.

Note: The build command may need to be run more than once to work correctly.

npm run-script clean
npm run-script build

Run tests to ensure they pass.



TREMBO ships with a watch command available for builds.

npm run-script build:be:watch
npm run-script build:fe:watch

While these are running, changes made to the backend or front-end code will trigger re-builds automatically.

Start the server:


The codebase is split into sections:

app/                     <-- The React code lives here
scripts/                 <-- Convenience scripts for starting and testing code
server/                  <-- The TypeScript/GraphQL code lives here

Backend development

The backend server is largely written in TypeScript, and can be found at server/.

This part of the project is organized as following:

__tests__/               <-- Tests, written in Jest by default, live here
  |_ int/                <-- Integration tests live here
    |_ GraphQL/          <-- GraphQL integration tests for testing queries,
                             mutations, etc.
  |_ util/               <-- A custom testing package to help test the project
|_ controllers/          <-- All controllers, including the GraphQL controller
|_ db/                   <-- Define a set of necessary converters, operations,
                             and pagination methods for queries (see below).
  |_ connection.ts       <-- Defines Relay connection specific methods
  |_ seedDb.ts           <-- Script for seeding the database with data
  |_ seedData.ts         <-- Large data blob with seed data for the database
|_ models/               <-- Mongoose data models are defined here. By design,
                             they should look a lot like your GraphQL models.
|_ resolvers/            <-- Define methods the GraphQL schema will resolve to.
|_ schema/               <-- GraphQL schema segments and types.
  |_ Common.graphql      <-- Defines necessary GraphQL types for Relay.
  |_ types.ts            <-- An auto-generated Types file (from your schema).
|_ util/
  |_ graphql/            <-- Defines utility methods for GraphQL. For instance,
                             loading a .graphql into memory as a Schema.
app.ts                   <-- The entry point for the application.
logger.ts                <-- Logging helper object.

I want to add a new object!

TREMBO offers only User objects out of the box, which allows you to add and query User objects using the GraphQL endpoint. A User has only a firstName and lastName property out of the box.

The following changes must be made for new objects:

  1. GraphQL Schema

Define a new GraphQL schema object in schema/ (e.g. schema/Object.graphql).

Run npm run-script build:be to refresh the types.ts file.

Update the root Query and Mutation section of Common.graphql.

Note: Remember to update index.ts with the new object.

  1. Mongoose MongoDB Model

Define a corresponding Mongoose MongoDB Document in db/.

Note: Remember to update index.ts with the new object.

  1. Resolvers

Define a corresponding set of resolvers for GraphQL to resolve queries and mutations to methods. For the most part, you can look to User.ts as a direct influence here.

  1. Optional: Tests

Write a new suite of GraphQL tests for your new Object in __tests__/int/GraphQL/Object.

Note: You can run npm run-script test:watch to facilitate test development.


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please first check the open issues. Issues labelled "help wanted" should be perfect for first-time contributors. If you don't find an issue covering the contribution you'd like to make, feel free to create a new issue and follow the template.

Before submitting a code change, be sure to check for style changes and tests.

npm test
npm run lint


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