Cocoa Localization Helper

Primary LanguagePython

#Hassle Free Localization

After all these try-and-error, here're my new requirements:

  1. Fully automatic and reflect to current code. ( because we, developers, are lazy )
  2. Only ONE set of XIB/NIB is used.
  3. Ease of localization. ( one master localization strings file )

The flow becomes

  1. genstrings to make master Localization.strings
  2. ibtool to extract localizable values
  3. merge 1 and 2 with up-to-date localization

C3PO is dedicated to automate this flow. All you need to do is meeting following requirements

##Create a new build phase

find ${SRCROOT} -name "Localizable.strings" -print | xargs -I {} echo "iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16 =(cat {})> {}"  | zsh
python ${SRCROOT}/externals/C3PO/localize.py
find ${SRCROOT} -name "Localizable.strings" -print | xargs -I {} echo "iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 =(cat {})> {}"  | zsh

##Use NSLocalizedString for all UI strings

myLabel.text = NSLocalizedString(@"MY_TEXT", nil);

##Use WIDE_CASE or CamelCase in Interface Builder

<string key="IBUIText">MY_TEXT</string>


<string key="IBUIText">MyTest</string>

##Add following lines to your controller

- (void) viewDidLoad {
	for (UILabel *aLabel in self.interfaceLabels) {
	aLabel.text = NSLocalizedString(aLabel.text, @"C3PO Localized");

##Your localization string is ready to go

% find . -name "Localizable.strings"

Time to take your app to the world. @jamex