
A C# port of Hubot

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION



mmbot is an attempt to port github's Hubot to C#.


  1. Provide a chat bot written in C# with all the functionality of Hubot but with a script environment more familiar to .Net devs. (done)
  2. Hubot scripts should be easy to convert into mmbot scripts. (done)
    This may mean that some weird design choices are made in the API but it should still be very usable, customizable and familiar to .Net devs
  3. ScriptCS style scripts should be automatically picked up and run from a scripts folder (done)
  4. Eventually provide the ability to run from scriptcs. (blocked)
    There are some blockers here in the NuGet package resolution and dynamic loading of scripts

Getting started

The best plan is to use chocolatey...

# install scriptcs if you like. mmbot includes what it needs from scriptcs but it makes package installation easier
cinst scriptcs

# chocolatey can install mmbot globally
cinst mmbot

# Now create a folder to host the scripts and config, then from that dir...
mmbot --init

# You're ready to go...

When you need an adapter to talk to your chat rooms

scriptcs install mmbot.jabbr

or if you don't have scriptcs...

nuget install mmbot.jabbr -o packages

When you want a script that is in nuget

scriptcs install mmbot.scriptit

...or simply drop the .csx file in the "scripts" folder ...or even better use the scriptthis and scriptthat scripts to input them inline or pull from a gist!!!

For more info read the getting started guide


Currently the only implemented adapter is for jabbr but the implementation is extremely similar to Hubot so other adapters could easily be added.


Writing scripts is easy. You can either implement the IMMBotScript interface and register your script or you can write a simple scriptcs script and drop it into a scripts folder beside the MMBot runner executable.

Here is a simple script that responds to "mmbot yo" with "sup?"

var robot = Require<Robot>();

robot.Respond("yo", msg => msg.Send("sup?"));

This script is a port of the Hubot math script

var robot = Require<Robot>();

robot.Respond(@"(calc|calculate|calculator|convert|math|maths)( me)? (.*)", msg =>
            hl = "en",
            q = msg.Match[3]
        .Headers(new Dictionary<string, string>
            {"Accept-Language", "en-us,en;q=0.5"},
            {"Accept-Charset", "utf-8"},
            {"User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1"}
        .GetJson((err, res, body) => 
        	if(err != null)
        		msg.Send("Could not compute");
        		msg.Send((string)body["rhs"] ?? "Could not compute");

    "mmbot math me <expression> - Calculate the given expression.",
    "mmbot convert me <expression> to <units> - Convert expression to given units."

Current Script Implementations

mmbot animate me <query> - The same thing as `image me`, except adds a few parameters to try to return an animated GIF instead.
mmbot ascii me <query> - Returns ASCII art of the query text.
mmbot convert me <expression> to <units> - Convert expression to given units.
mmbot die - End mmbot process
mmbot echo <text> - Reply back with <text>
mmbot gif me <query> - Returns an animated gif matching the requested search term.
mmbot help - Displays all of the help commands that mmbot knows about.
mmbot help <query> - Displays all help commands that match <query>.
mmbot image me <query> - The Original. Queries Google Images for <query> and returns a random top result.
mmbot map me <query> - Returns a map view of the area returned by `query`.
mmbot math me <expression> - Calculate the given expression.
mmbot mustache me <query> - Searches Google Images for the specified query and mustaches it.
mmbot mustache me <url> - Adds a mustache to the specified URL.
mmbot mute/unmute - turn the volume on/off
mmbot ping -  Reply with pong
mmbot pug bomb N - get N pugs
mmbot pug me - Receive a pug
mmbot spot me <query> - Show the top spotify track result for my query
mmbot spot me winning - Show the best track ever on spotify
mmbot spotify clear queue - clears the play queue
mmbot spotify next - Skips to the next track in the queue.
mmbot spotify pause - Pauses playback
mmbot spotify play <query> -  Plays the first matching track from spotify.
mmbot spotify play <spotifyUri> -  Plays the track(s) from the spotify URI (supports tracks, albums and playlists).
mmbot spotify play album <query> -  Plays the first matching album from spotify.
mmbot spotify queue <query> -  Queues the first matching track from spotify.
mmbot spotify queue <spotifyUri> -  Queues the track(s) from the spotify URI (supports tracks, albums and playlists).
mmbot spotify queue album <query> -  Queues the first matching album from spotify.
mmbot spotify remove <query> from queue - Removes matching tracks from the queue
mmbot spotify show artist|album|playlist <name> - Shows the details of the first matching artist, album or playlist
mmbot spotify show queue
mmbot spotify shuffle on|off - turn on or off shuffle mode
mmbot the rules - Make sure mmbot still knows the rules.
mmbot time - Reply with current time
mmbot translate me <phrase> - Searches for a translation for the <phrase> and then prints that bad boy out.
mmbot translate me from <source> into <target> <phrase> - Translates <phrase> from <source> into <target>. Both <source> and <target> are optional
mmbot turn it down [to 11] - shhhh I'm thinking, optionally provide the volume out of 100
mmbot turn it up [to 66] - crank it baby, optionally provide the volume out of 100
mmbot urban define me <term>  - Searches Urban Dictionary and returns definition
mmbot urban example me <term> - Searches Urban Dictionary and returns example
mmbot urban me <term>         - Searches Urban Dictionary and returns definition
mmbot what is <term>?         - Searches Urban Dictionary and returns definition
mmbot xkcd [latest]- The latest XKCD comic
mmbot xkcd <num> - XKCD comic <num>
mmbot xkcd random - fetch a random XKCD comic
mmbot youtube me <query> - Searches YouTube for the query and returns the video embed link.