
Scrabble sentence word replacer.

Primary LanguagePython

Scrabble sentence word replacement

This application takes a user input sentence and replaces words that start
with the same letter and have the same number of characters.

tech stack

     - Python 3.8.2
     - BashScript
     - pytest
     - venv

To get started

1. In the root of the project run the following command in your terminal.

    make start

2. A menu will appear providing you with possible selections.
3. Select option 1 but pressing 1 on your keyboards followed by enter.
4. You will be prompted to put in a sentence.
5. Enter a sentence followed by the enter key.
6. Select option 2 from the menu to replace words.
7. When you wish to exit select option 3.

Makefile help

From the project root directory run the following in you terminal.

make help

Pytest unittests

To run the pytests execute the following from the terminal in the projects root directory.

make pytest