Fast, configurable, elastically scaling custom rollup solution. Apex Invocable action, one-liner Apex trigger/CMDT-driven logic, and scheduled Apex-ready.
- 7
Rollups not calculating correctly over time
#624 opened by baobao917 - 4
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- 2
- 12
FATAL ERROR: Database.executeBatch cannot be called from a batch start, batch execute, or future method.
#615 opened by VigneshRS7101 - 2
RollupAsyncProcessor for job ID 707VI00000pPWLK. : Too many query rows: 50001
#625 opened by baobao917 - 3
Issue with Currency Conversion in Multi-Currency Orgs
#622 opened by fabm97 - 4
Error when merging Accounts
#623 opened by baobao917 - 4
Access of RollupControl causes System.NullPointerException during Lead Merge (Contact After Delete)
#626 opened by AleysianAlecK - 3
odd behavior using parent and empty collections
#619 opened by sweinrarw - 4
Async jobs triggered when the Rollup Control Setting is set to run Synchronously
#618 opened by kechetino - 5
Child Object Where Clause not working with a flow
#621 opened by techps - 8
Inconsistent Sum Behaviour On CMDT Grandparent Full Recalculate rollup
#616 opened by jaredcloudyknights - 4
- 14
- 5
Concat Duplicating Values when Queueable and Synchronous Rollup Control Used on Same Parent/Child
#596 opened by Silchuki14 - 0
Failing Test Assertion in shouldReportErrorWhenConcatDelimiterSetAndNotConcat()
#607 opened by bfalter - 1
Rollup.runFromTrigger() in FFLIB Trigger Handler
#605 opened by kechetino - 5
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Incorrect rollup calculations when child records are inserted in separate transactions at the same time
#579 opened by puneetagarwal2971 - 1
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Hitting SOQL Too Many Query Rows with AVERAGE
#589 opened by PhilTerz - 3
"Where clause entered incorrectly" error trying to run converted dlrs rollup
#591 opened by sweinrarw - 1
Unexpected Behavior with Rollup to Ultimate Parent
#590 opened by PhilTerz - 4
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Scheduled Job exception Missing dependent object: Class: RollupEvaluator.AndConditionalGrouping
#572 opened by nsinghCloudera - 12
- 1
Question: Plugin Configuration for Rollup Controls other than Org Defaults
#575 opened by chazwatkins - 7
Error upgrading from 1.6.2 to 1.6.18
#573 opened by ChrisBegleyYale - 10
Total child count is incorrect.
#541 opened by nsinghCloudera - 10
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Full recalc using 'Recalculate Rollup is incorrectly calculating as blank/null
#564 opened by baobao917 - 7
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- 0
Error with Process Deferred Rollups
#549 opened by solo-1234 - 5
Error upgrading from 1.5.64 to 1.6.6
#548 opened by solo-1234 - 4
Apex CPU time limit exceeded when a batch is run
#539 opened by baobao917 - 1
Undelete of an intermediate parent record should recalc grandparent rollups
#537 opened by jamessimone - 6
Grandparent rollup not triggering when intermediate (parent) object is deleted
#530 opened by baobao917 - 24
Full Recalculation Grandparent Rollup not calculating SUM correctly of all child records
#523 opened by baobao917 - 3
Flow trigger error - Apex error occurred: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
#529 opened by baobao917 - 0
Multiple Rollup Control Records
#525 opened by jamessimone - 9
Recalculating Rollup when the count is 0 leads to "First error: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field"
#526 opened by JakMGitHub - 2