
Automated broadband speed tester bot that runs 3 times daily on my Raspberry Pi and tweets the results using the Twitter API.

Primary LanguagePython

Automated Broadband Speed Tester & Tweeter - using Python & Raspberry Pi (Raspbian)

Created as a personal project to hone my skills using Python with Linux. I recently purchased a Raspberry Pi with the idea of setting up a number of automated tasks, for my personal use and to showcase my skills.

The script is scheduled to run three times daily at 0700, 1300 and 1945 using task scheduler Cron, writes the results to a CSV file, then tweets the speedtest results to my bot account. I was going to tag my ISP in the tweet however decided against it for now :)

In the future I'm going to add the results to a database and display them in some form of visualization graph. TBC.

NOTE: included in this repo are 2 versions - the initial desktop version I created using selenium on my Windows PC and the final version that's detailed above.

Thanks, James