Thank you for downloading phpScenario. ==== SETUP ==== There is no installation procedure per se, but if you're going to be using one of the built-in data adapters, you'll want to set up your database to match the structure expected by those adapters. The easiest way to do this is to run the included "database.sql" file against the database you wish to use for Scenario data. This can be done like so (parameters may vary depending on your situation): mysql -u (your username) -p -D (your database) < database.sql This will create the following tables: experiments, treatments, users_treatments If you would prefer other table names, change those names in the SQL script and be sure to specify the ["db"]["tables"] option when configuring phpScenario. ==== HELP ==== Help for phpScenario can be found via forums at the following URL: You can also feel free to email the author at