The kumaGauge is a jQuery plugin to create easy gauges with raphaël.js. You can customise the gauges with a number of options.
Dependencies: * jQuery * Raphaël.js
value : 12
This creates the gauge with the config you supply
$(element).kumaGauge('update', {
value : 12,
min : 10,
max : '200'
This updates the gauge with the values you supply. The only values that can be updated are: value, min and max
radius : 80, // Integer: The radius of the arc
paddingX : 40, // Integer: The padding on the top and bottom of the gauge
paddingY : 40, // Integer: The padding on the left and right of the gauge
gaugeWidth : 30, // Integer: The width of the gauge itseld
fill : '0-#1cb42f:0-#fdbe37:50-#fa4133:100', // String: The fill of the gauge, this can be a solid color or a gradient
gaugeBackground : '#f4f4f4', // String: The fill of the gauge background, this can be a solid color or a gradient
background : '#fff', // String: The fill of the canvas, this can be a solid color or a gradient
showNeedle : true, // Boolean: Show or hide the needle, if true the value label shows half of the range, if false the value label shows the value
animationSpeed : 500, // Integer: The speed of the animation in miliseconds
min : 0, // Float: The minimum value of the gauge
max : 100, // Float: The maximum value of the gauge
value : 80, // Float: The actual value of the gauge
// The label that indicates the value
valueLabel : {
display : true, // Boolean: show or hide this label
fontFamily : 'Arial', // String: The font family of this label
fontColor : '#000', // String: The font color of this label
fontSize : 20, // Integer of String: The font size of this label (without px)
fontWeight : 'normal' // String: The font weight of this label
title : {
display : true, // Boolean: show or hide this label
value : '', // String the value of the title
fontFamily : 'Arial', // String: The font family of this label
fontColor : '#000', // String: The font color of this label
fontSize : 20, // Integer of String: The font size of this label (without px)
fontWeight : 'normal' // String: The font weight of this label
label : {
display : true, // Boolean: show or hide this label
left : 'Low', // String: The value of the left (minimum) label
right : 'High', // String: The value of the right (maximum) label
fontFamily : 'Arial', // String: The font family of this label
fontColor : '#000', // String: The font color of this label
fontSize : 12, // Integer of String: The font size of this label (without px)
fontWeight : 'normal' // String: The font weight of this label