
Use redux devtools to inspect useState and useReducer :mag_right:

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Connect React state hooks (useState and useReducer) to redux dev tools.

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useState with Redux dev tools


Hooks are great, they are a joy to use to create state in components. On the other hand, with something global and centralised like Redux, we have great dev tools.

Why not both? That's exactly what this package offers: connecting useState and useReducer to redux dev tools, so you can do the following:

  • Inspect actions and state for each hook
  • Time travel through state changes in your app
  • Hot reloading: save your current state and re-inject it when re-rendering


You need redux devtools installed. This package provides:

  • StateInspector: a provider which will be used by useState and useReducer to connect them to a store and redux dev tools.

    • It accepts optionally a name (name of the store in dev tools) and initialState (if you want to start with a given state)
    • You can have more than one StateInspector in your application, hooks will report to the nearest one
    • Without a StateInspector, useState and useReducer behave normally
    import React from "react"
    import { StateInspector } from "reinspect"
    import App from "./App"
    function AppWrapper() {
        return (
            <StateInspector name="App">
                <App />
    export default AppWrapper
  • useState(initialState, id): like useState but with a 2nd argument id (a unique ID to identify it in dev tools). If no id is supplied, the hook won't be connected to dev tools.

    import React from "react"
    import { useState } from "reinspect"
    export function CounterWithUseState({ id }) {
        const [count, setCount] = useState(0, id)
        return (
                <button onClick={() => setCount(count - 1)}>-</button>
                {count} <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>+</button>
  • useReducer(reducer, initialState, id): like useReducer but with a 3rd argument id (a unique ID to identify it in dev tools). If no id is supplied, the hook won't be connected to dev tools.