
Identifix's code challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is my solution for the take-home Identifix code challenge.

After downloading and extracting the zip, run an "npm install" to get Bootstrap and jQuery and put them in their right places.

The challenge was to create a simple app that uses the CarQuery API to run a search of car model trims. After perusing the documentation and running some experiments, I got the API to return data with a keyword search. I built the app from there, using jQuery to append the data to the DOM.


  • Handling situations in which the API returned null or "" for vehicle attributes. For these, I simply ran a check on them before appending. If there was nothing in the category, I appended an empty string.
  • Figuring out how to best calculate horsepower, since it wasn't one of the parameters given by CarQuery. In my search through Wikipedia and other such sites, I found algebra to convert Newton-meters to HP, but RPMs were needed and they weren't necessarily defined. I eventually landed on a Car and Driver article which taught me about the unit, Pferdestärke (PS) which is provided by CarQuery. One PS is equal to 0.9863 HP. I applied this to the Chevrolet Corvette from the example, which has a rating of 650HP, and came up with 641hp, quite different from the example of 449hp. I chalked this up to the example using a different source, which was more or less confirmed by a search for Chevrolet's published statistics.
  • Handling errors from the server. The documentation didn't give me any guidance, so I simply put all my code in a .done and added a .fail to the .getJSON.
  • Dealing with engine naming conventions. For this I checked to see if the engine type was "V or W" and put no space after it in those cases, otherwise, a space. If there are other engine types that don't need a space between the type and the number of cylinders, I don't know about them yet.