
SUTD Hostel Hunt 2020 Telegram Bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Hostel Hunt

SUTD Hostel Hunt 2020 Telegram Bot



  • /start to start the bot.
  • /help to display usage help text for the bot.
  • /register to register as a participant using your student ID.
  • /hint to ask the bot for hints.
  • /claim <token> to attempt to claim the specified token.

Several hidden administrative commands with restricted access are also available.

Repository Details

Heroku App Config Vars:

  "env": {
    "ADMIN_LIST": "[<user-id-1>, <user-id-2>, ...]",
    "TELEGRAM_TOKEN": "<id>:<token>",
    "SUTD_AUTH": "['<group-leader-1-token>', '<group-leader-2-token>', ...]",
    "MASTER_TOKEN": "<user-id>",
    "TZ": "Asia/Singapore",
    "WEBHOOK_URL": "https://<app-name>.herokuapp.com/",
    "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS": "<firestore-config-file-path>.json"

Deploy the bot by running the command python3 app.py.

Finally, issue an HTTPS request to https://api.telegram.org/bot<id>:<token>/setWebhook?url=https://<app-name>.herokuapp.com/<id>:<token> to enable the webhook for the bot.

Sample Firebase data is available here.

Oh and if you expected to find any hints or tokens here, you are in for a disappointment. It's all in the Firestore database. No cheating! 😉


More details on the bot will be elaborated here soon!


Credits to @2manslkh for the initial version of this SUTD Hostel Hunt Telegram Bot. I changed the MySQL parts to implement Firebase connectivity instead, as well as improved a few features of the bot and added a few more comments for code clarity.