Functional RPG

Epicodus 2020 C#/React Cohort Functional Programming Practice Project.

15 April 2020 | Jamie Cozard, Jeremy Kale Padot, Jonathan Carlos, Geoff Goetz


This project was to write back end logic for an RPG game using functional programming.

Setup/Installation Requirements

Node install

For macOS:

If Homebrew is not installed on your computer already, then install Homebrew by entering the following two commands in Terminal:

Install Git with the following command:

  • $ brew install git

Next, install Node.js by entering the following command in Terminal:

  • $ brew install node
For Windows:

Please visit the Node.js website for installation instructions.

Install this application

Clone this repository via Terminal using the following commands:

Then, confirm that you have navigated to the template project directory by entering "pwd" in Terminal.

Next, install npm at the project's root directory via the following commands:

  • $ npm install
  • $ npm run build

Open the contents of the journal directory in a text editor or IDE of your choice (e.g., to open the contents of the directory in Visual Studio Code on macOS, enter the command "code ." in Terminal).

Technologies Used

  • Git
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • npm
  • Webpack


This webpage is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2020 Jamie Cozard, Jeremy Kale Padot, Jonathan Carlos, Geoff Goetz