
Epicodus 2020 C#/React Cohort Library Practice Project.

By ** Dusty Mccord , Brandan Sayarath, Dom Youmans, James T. | 24 March 2020**


This program will allow...


Behavior Example Input Example Output

Setup/Installation Requirements

Install .NET Core

on macOS:

  • Click here to download a .NET Core SDK from Microsoft Corp.
  • Open the file (this will launch an installer which will walk you through installation steps. Use the default settings the installer suggests.)

on Windows:

  • Click here to download the 64-bit .NET Core SDK from Microsoft Corp.
  • Open the .exe file and follow the steps provided by the installer for your OS.

Install dotnet script

Enter the command dotnet tool install -g dotnet-script in Terminal (macOS) or PowerShell (Windows).

Install MySQL and MySQL Workbench

on macOS:

Download the MySQL Community Server DMG File here. Follow along with the installer until you reach the configuration page. Once you've reached Configuration, set the following options (or user default if not specified):

  • use legacy password encryption
  • set password (and change the password field in appsettings.json file of this repository to match your password)
  • click finish
  • open Terminal and enter the command echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile if using Git Bash.
  • Verify MySQL installation by opening Terminal and entering the command mysql -uroot -p{your password here, omitted brackets}. If you gain access to the MySQL command line, installation is complete. An error (e.g., -bash: mysql: command not found) indicates something went wrong.

Download MySQL Workbench DMG file here. Install MySQL Workbench to Applications folder. Open MySQL Workbench and select Local instance 3306 server, then enter the password you set. If it connects, you're all set.

on Windows:

Download the MySQL Web Installer here and follow along with the installer. Click "Yes" if prompted to update, and accept license terms.

  • Choose Custom setup type
  • When prompted to Select Products and Features, choose the following: MySQL Server (Will be under MySQL Servers) and MySQL Workbench (Will be under Applications)
  • Select Next, then Execute. Wait for download and installation (can take a few minutes)
  • Advance through Configuration as follows:
    • High Availability set to Standalone.
    • Defaults are OK under Type and Networking.
    • Authentication Method set to Use Legacy Authentication Method.
    • Set password to epicodus. You can use your own if you want but epicodus will be assumed in the lessons.
    • Unselect Configure MySQL Server as a Windows Service.
  • Complete installation process

Add the MySQL environment variable to the System PATH. Instructions for Windows 10:

  • Open the Control Panel and visit System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables...
  • Select PATH..., click Edit..., then Add.
  • Add the exact location of your MySQL installation and click OK. (This location is likely C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, but may differ depending on your specific installation.)
  • Verify installation by opening Windows PowerShell and entering the command mysql -uroot -p{your password here, omitted brackets}. It's working correctly if you gain access to the MySQL command line. Exit MySQL by entering the command exit.
  • Open MySQL Workbench and select Local instance 3306 server (may be named differently). Enter the password you set, and if it connects, you're all set.

Clone this repository

Enter the following commands in Terminal (macOS) or PowerShell (Windows):

  • cd desktop
  • git clone

Confirm that you have navigated to the DoctorsOffice directory (e.g., by entering the command pwd in Terminal).

Recreate the <DATABASE NAME> database using the following MySQL commands (in Terminal on macOS or PowerShell on Windows):

Run this application by entering the following command in Terminal (macOS) or PowerShell (Windows):

  • cd DoctorsOffice
  • dotnet restore
  • dotnet build
  • dotnet run or dotnet watch run

To view/edit the source code of this application, open the contents of the HairSalon.Solution directory in a text editor or IDE of your choice (e.g., to open all contents of the directory in Visual Studio Code on macOS, enter the command code . in Terminal).

Technologies Used

  • Git
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • C#
  • .NET Core 2.2
  • ASP.NET Core MVC (version 2.2)
  • Razor
  • dotnet script
  • MySQL 8.0 CE
  • MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE
  • Entity Framework Core 2.2
  • Michelle Mornin README Template


This webpage is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2020 Dusty Mccord , Brandan Sayarath, Dom Youmans, James T.