
This C# application will build a user-friendly Library Catalog, allowing users to manage and keep track of their books, the authors belonging to those books, the number of copies per book, and whether or not those books are checked out including their due date.

Primary LanguageC#

Library Catalog


By Jonathan Carlos


This C# application will build a user-friendly Library Catalog, allowing users to manage and keep track of their books, the authors belonging to those books, the number of copies per book, and whether or not those books are checked out including their due date.


Behavior Driven Development

Behavior Input Output

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

The MVP of this project is to allow users of this Library Catalog to add new books, new authors to a specific book (this will not be available if no books have been added), and be able to select a book, see its information, and a list of authors that belong to that book.

Stretch goals include:

  • Adding a form where users may search for a book by name and display a list of all results.
  • Adding a form where users may also search for an author by name. Display a list of all results.
  • Adding a feature that lets a user add multiple authors to one book.
  • Adding a feature that lets a user search for the amount of copies of a book as well as check them out.
  • Adding a feature for keeping track of books that have been checked out.
  • Adding a feature that shows a list of overdue books.


Installing .NET Core

  1. Download the .NET Core SDK Software Development Kit.
  2. Open the .Net Core SDK file and install.
  3. Confirm the installation was successful by runnning the $ dotnet --version command in your terminal (You should see something like this in the response: 2.2.105).
  4. Install the dotnet script REPL tool by running the $ dotnet tool install -g dotnet-script command in your terminal.
  5. Restart your terminal to complete the installation.

Installing MySQL | MacOS:

  1. Download the MySQL Community Server DMG File from MySQL Community Server
  2. You can exit the mysql program by entering exit.
  3. Download the MySQL Workbench DMG File from MySQL Workbench. (Use the No thanks, just start my download link.)
  4. Install MySQL Workbench to Applications folder.
  5. Open MySQL Workbench and select the Local instance 3306 server. You will need to enter the password you set. (We used epicodus.) If it connects, you're all set.

Installing MySQL | Windows 10:

  1. Download the MySQL Web Installer from MySQL Downloads (Use the No thanks, just start my download link.).
  2. Choose Custom setup type.
  3. When prompted to Select Products and Features, make sure you select both MySQL Server (Under MySQL Servers), and MySQL Workbench (Under applications).
  4. When you reach Configuration:
  • Set High Availability to Standalone.
  • Defaults are OK under Type and Networking.
  • Set Authentication Method to Use Legacy Authenticationn Method.
  • Lastly, set your password and complete the installation process.
  1. You can exit the mysql program by entering exit
  2. Add the MySQL environment variable to the System PATH. We must include MySQL in the System Environment Path Variable. This is its own multi-step process. Instructions here are for Windows 10:
  • Open the Control Panel and visit System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables...
  • Then select PATH..., click Edit..., then Add.
  • Add the exact location of your MySQL installation, and click OK. (This location is likely C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin, but may differ depending on your specific installation.)
  1. Open MySQL Workbench and select the Local instance 3306 server (it may have a different name). You will need to enter the password you set (We used epicodus). If it connects, you're all set.

Cloning this repository:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Navigate to the desired directory in which you want to clone this repository.
  3. Use the command git clone https://github.com/jonathancarlos21/Eau-Claires-Salon to clone this repository.
  4. Open this repository from within your terminal and navigate to HairSalon/.
  5. Run the command dotnet restore.
  6. Run the command dotnet build.
  7. If build is successful, run the command dotnet ef migrations add Initial. If build failed, make necessary updates and repeat dotnet restore followed by dotnet build.
  8. Use dotnet run to generate a local server.
  9. Copy and paste the given localhost:5000 onto your URL.

Downloading this repository:

  1. On the top right of this page, click the "Clone or download" button.
  2. Click on "Download ZIP."
  3. Click the downloaded file to unzip and extract this repository to your desired directory.
  4. Open this repository from within your terminal and navigate to HairSalon/.
  5. Run the command dotnet restore.
  6. Run the command dotnet build.
  7. If build is successful, run the command dotnet ef migrations add Initial. If build failed, make necessary updates and repeat dotnet restore followed by dotnet build.
  8. Use dotnet run to generate a local server.
  9. Copy and paste the given localhost:5000 onto your URL or use.

Known Bugs

There are no known bugs at this time.

Support and contact details

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact the content creator at examplemail@company.net

Technologies used

  • Git 2.23.0

  • C# language

  • .NET Core 2.2.106

  • dotnet script 0.50.1

  • Visual Studio Code 1.43.1

  • Model-View-Controller(MVC) framework

  • MySQL 8.0.15

  • MySQL Workbench 8.0.15

  • Entity Framework Core 2.2.4

  • Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)

  • ASP.NET Razor

  • GitBash


Copyright (c) 2020 Library Catalog

This software is licensed under the MIT license.