
Welcome to Jimmy's Stellar Pizza! This website is designed to allow any user to choose one or more individual toppings on their far-out pizza. User's will also be able to choose the size they would like to enjoy it in. After deciding on the size and their favorite toppings, the user will be able to place an order, and see their masterpiece of a pizza displayed with the final cost.

Primary LanguageHTML

Jimmy's Stellar Pizza

Code Review for Week 4 - 1/31/2020

By Jonathan Carlos


Welcome to Jimmy's Stellar Pizza! This website is designed to allow any user to choose one or more individual toppings on their far-out pizza. User's will also be able to choose the size they would like to enjoy it in. After deciding on the size and their favorite toppings, the user will be able to place an order, and see their masterpiece of a pizza displayed with the final cost.

Behavior Driven Development

Behavior Input Output
Select the size of pizza. Large Displayed size: Large
Select 1 topping. Mushrooms Displayed topping: Mushrooms
Select 2 or more toppings. Mushrooms & Pepperoni Displayed toppings: Mushrooms, Pepperoni, etc.
The cost of size is displayed in the total. Large($10) Displayed total: $10
The cost of toppings is added to size. Large($10) & Mushrooms($2) & Pineapple($3) Displayed Cost: $15


Option One:

  1. Step one: Open up your terminal.
  2. Step two: Navigate to the desired directory in which you want to clone this repository.
  3. Step three: Use git clone https://github.com/jonathancarlos21/pizza-parlor to clone this repository.
  4. Step four: Open the repository.
  5. Step five: Drag the html file into your broswer.
  6. Step six: Select your pizza size and favorite toppings.
  7. Step seven: Click "Order!"

Option Two:

Copy and paste https://jonathancarlos21.github.io/pizza-parlor into your address bar.

Known Bugs

This program in its current state does not add the pepperoni nor the spinach toppings to the total cost of the pizza pie.

Support and contact details

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact the content creator at examplemail@company.net

Technologies used

  • JavaScript

  • jQuery

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Bootstrap

  • Visual Studio Code

  • GitBash


Copyright (c) 2020 Jimmy's Pizza Parlor

This software is licensed under the MIT license.