- Python 3
- Python packages: dnutils, nose
- More sophisticated MLN definition
- Convert dataset to MLN database, convert output to MIDI, automate MLN generation
- Implement '+' syntax parsing
- Implement incomplete data (unsupervised) learning
- Multiple databases
- Structure learning
- Different weight priors / prior means
- More flexible representation than mutex variable for object sequences
- Practical Statistical Relational Learning by Pedro Domingos http://videolectures.net/icml07_domingos_psr/
- MLN: P. Domingos and D. Lowd. Markov Logic: An Interface Layer for Artificial Intelligence. Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2009.
- MC-SAT: H. Poon and P. Domingos. Sound and Efficient Inference with Probabilistic and Deterministic Dependencies. AAAI, 2006.