
A toy web app for different factory managers to view information about their company's products

Primary LanguagePython

Factory Web App


Instructions are given for the Windows command line and may differ slightly for mac/linux. Create a virtualenvironment using Python 3 for the app:

> virtualenv venv

Then install the dependencies:

> pip install -r requirements.txt

If the virtual environment is installed in the application root in a folder named venv, the helper script can be used to activate it by doing: > venv


The API can be run by doing:

> set FLASK_APP=app.py
> flask run


> python app.py


The database can be viewed by sending a GET request with the 'X-API-KEY' header set to either 'food' or 'textile' to the API endpoint '/products/', which retrieves the corresponding products. Requests with any other/no headers will return a BAD_REQUEST (400) response. Food products can be added by sending a POST request with the 'food' headers containing a JSON of the product in the form:

  "name": "<name>",
  "family": "<family>",
  "tags": [
  "allergens": [
  "customer": "<customer>",
  "billOfMaterials": {
    "<material1>": {
      "quantity": <quantity>,
      "units": "<units>"
    "<material2>": {
      "quantity": <quantity>,
      "units": "<units>"

And textile products are added in a similar way using the 'textile' headers:

  "name": "<name>",
  "colour": "<colour>",
  "range": "<range>",
  "tags": [
  "billOfMaterials": {
    "material1": {
      "quantity": <quantity>,
      "units": "<units>"
    "material2": {
      "quantity": <quantity>,
      "units": "<units>"

Any errors in any part of the data will cause the full DB session to rollback.


If the virtual environment is installed in a folder named venv in the application root, run the tests by doing: > test to use the helper script, or otherwise by doing:

> cd project/tests
> pytest -vv test_api.py

Running tests from outside the test folder will fail due to file (sample data) not found.


Due to time constraints, the following features were not implemented:

  • Ability to update/delete products or add more tags/materials later
  • A production web server is not used (currently the app runs on Werkzeug for testing only)