_ _ _ _
| | (_) | | |
__ _| | __ _ ___ _ __ _| |_| |__ _ __ ___ ___
/ _` | |/ _` |/ _ \| '__| | __| '_ \| '_ ` _ \/ __|
| (_| | | (_| | (_) | | | | |_| | | | | | | | \__ \
\__,_|_|\__, |\___/|_| |_|\__|_| |_|_| |_| |_|___/
__/ |
This is just a simple repository to implement the algorithm examples from Grokking Algorithms.
- Ensure Deno is installed.
- Run
deno test
to check test suite. - Run
deno run index.ts
to check algorithms.
Check algorithms-deno/index.ts
shuffle(): 1ms
findSmallest(): 0ms
findSmallest returned 521
selectionSort(): 1ms
quickSort(): 2ms
stupidSearch(): 1ms
stupidSearch returned 99999
binarySearch(): 0ms
binarySearch returned 99999
recursiveSumArray(): 0ms
recursiveSumArray returned 4950
nonRecursiveSumArray(): 0ms
nonRecursiveSumArray returned 4950
recursiveLength(): 0ms
recursiveLength returned 100
nonRecursiveLength(): 0ms
nonRecursiveLength returned 100