
Examples of using the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector.

Primary LanguageJava


This repository contains examples of using the DataStax Apache KafkaTM Connector. Feel free to use and modify any of these for your own purposes. There is no warranty or implied official support, but hopefully the examples will be useful as a starting point to show various ways of using the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector. And if you see anything that could be improved or added, issue reports and pull requests are always welcome.

Documentation - https://docs.datastax.com/en/kafka/doc

Download - https://downloads.datastax.com/kafka/kafka-connect-dse.tar.gz

Slack - https://academy.datastax.com/slack #kafka-connector

Kafka Clients - Producer API

In the producers directory are examples that use the Kafka Clients Producer API and take the written records and persist them to DataStax Enterprise using the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector

producers/src/main/java/avro - Example using KafkaAvroSerializer / AvroConverter

producers/src/main/java/json - Example using JsonSerializer / JsonConverter + regular JSON record

producers/src/main/java/json/udt - Example using JsonSerializer / JsonConverter + mapping regular JSON to UDT in DSE

producers/src/main/java/json/single-topic-multi-table - Example using JsonSerializer / JsonConverter + mapping regular JSON topic to multiple tables in DSE

producers/src/main/java/primitive/string - Example using StringSerializer / StringConverter

producers/src/main/java/primitive/integer - Example using IntegerSerializer / IntegerConverter

Kafka Source Connectors

In the connectors directory are examples that use Kafka Source Connectors and take the written records and persist them to DataStax Enterprise using the DataStax Apache Kafka Connector

connectors/jdbc-source-connector - Example using JDBC Source Connector with and without schema in the JSON records