
Google Calendar Homework Extension CLI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Google Calendar Homework Extension CLI


npm npm


$ hw --help

  Usage: hw <cmd> [arguments] [options]


    init        Run CLI initialization
    add         Add homework assignment to calendar
    help [cmd]  display help for [cmd]


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

$ hw add "CS 383: read chapter 14" "3/12/16 7:00 pm"
  Homework-CLI: Added assignment to calendar!


Install the CLI:

$ npm install -g homework


Run the init command:

$ hw init

You'll be prompted to authorize your client with access to your calendar through the browser.

$ hw init
  Homework-CLI: Finished initializing the CLI!

You may now add homework assignments using the provided commands, as shown below.


Run the help command to view the list of commands, varying depending on homework version:

$ hw -h

Setup Initialization

$ hw init

Follow the guide above in Installation: Setup.

Add a homework assignment

To add a homework assignment, run the following command:

$ hw add "<homework title>" "<due date and time>"

This will add a homework item to your calendar. An example is shown below:

$ hw add "Physics 151 Lab 2" "2/9/16 5:00 pm"
  Homework-CLI: Added assignment to calendar!

You may also specify a more detailed description with the -d option, as shown below:

$ hw add "<homework title>" "<due date and time>" -d "<detailed description>"