
💬 Discord bot that posts a random leetcode question based on custom commands.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a fork by GitHub user jamesylgan for usage on a personal channel to help folks get better at leetcode


Discord bot that posts a random leetcode question based on custom commands.

NOTE: I have an AWS free tier, and have a limit warning in place for the EC2 instance this bot is hosted on. Depending on monthly usage, the service will go down so I don't incur charges for the month. You can check if it's up here (if the status symbol is green, it's up!). Sorry, in advance!

Installation and running locally

  1. Clone this project to your system using
git clone https://github.com/chakrakan/leetcode-disc.git
  1. cd leetcode-disc to switch directory to the bot's directory
  2. npm i or npm install to get all its dependencies
  3. Create a .env file at the root of the project folder
touch .env

Add a variable DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN= and leave it empty for now.

  1. Now make sure to create a New Application on Discord from their portal
    • once created, visit its Bot tab and grab the token and paste it as the value for DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN
  2. Run the bot using npm start and you should be able to use the commands once you invite your own app to a server of your choice.


Regular Commands

!problem (without args) - gives you a random problem of any difficulty either paid/free.
!problem info - gives you an overview of problems and your progress (WIP)
!problem free - gives you a random freely accessible problem of any difficulty.
!problem paid - gives you a random paid/locked problem of any difficulty.

Adding difficulty modifiers:

!problem <free | paid> <easy | medium | hard> - lets you pick a random free or paid problem of the chosen difficulty.



  • add more feature for per user experience See #1