
Implements a Discrete Fourier Transform to convert a continuous curve such as a signature into a Parametric Equation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

What is EquationTracer?

EquationTracer uses NumPy and Pygame to convert an arbitrary scribble into a parametric equation which you can plot on Graphing Calculators such as Desmos!


This is a guide on how to install EquationTracer.

Note: You need Python installed on your system, along with either pip or pipx.

If you do not want to use pip or pipx, you can also alternatively clone this git repository, or simply copy the code!

Linux: pip install equationtracer

Mac: pip3 install equationtracer

Windows (pipx): pipx install equationtracer

Windows (pip): pip install equationtracer

Note: For Windows, it is recommended to use pipx as using pip does not allow the poetry script trace-equation to run, but pipx does support this. If pip is used, you need to run the program with the other command, as provided below. On Max and Linux, pip3 will automatically allow the poetry script trace-equation to be able to be executed.


To run the program, type into a command line: trace-equation

If you installed the program with pip (instead of pipx) on windows, or if the above command doesn't work, you can also do:

Windows: py -m equationtracer

Others: python3 -m equationtracer


To update the program, use the following:

Linux: pip install -U equationtracer

Mac: pip3 install -U equationtracer

Windows (pipx): pipx upgrade equationtracer

Windows (pip): pip install -U equationtracer


EquationTracer uses the libraries numpy, pygame and pyperclip, and runs on Python 3.9 and above.