

This Weather App API allows users to get current weather updates by entering the name of a city. It uses the WeatherAPI to fetch real-time weather data and displays it on a web page.


  • Python
  • Flask
  • Requests library

In addition, it is recommended to use a virtual environment. Instructions for creating a virtual environment as well as installing flask can be found here https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/3.0.x/installation/

Set up instructions

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Install dependencies
    pip install flask requests

  3. Run the Flask Application
    python app.py

    The application will run on by default

  4. Obtain a weatherAPI Key
    Obtain an API key from WeatherAPI and replace the placeholder API key in get_current_weather function. More information about th API can be found here https://www.weatherapi.com/docs/
    api_key = 'your_api_key_here'

Code Explanation and Usage

HTML Template (templates/index.html)

This HTML template is used to create the front-end of the application. It uses Flask's Jinja2 templating engine to display data.

Flask Application (app.py)

This is the main Flask application file that handles routing and server-side logic.

Weather API Handler (weather.py)

This file contains the function to fetch weather data from the WeatherAPI.


  1. Open the web browser and navigate to
  2. Enter the name of a city in the input field and click the "Find" button.
  3. The current weather information for the city will be displayed on the page.