Matter is a tiny collection of UI components. The components are built with Deku. Check out the website for live examples. A React version is available here.
Matter is available on npm:
npm install matterjs
Or you can download the files directly.
import { Button } from 'matter';
import element from 'virtual-element';
import { deku, render } from 'deku';
let app = deku(<Button />);
render(app, document.body);
<Button label="Default" size="small" type="default" />
<Code language='javascript'>
var Git = require('gity');
var git = Git()
.commit('-m "added js files"')
let sections = ['Home', 'Profile', 'Messages', 'Notifications'];
<Menu onChange={ change } items={ sections } />
let people = [
['Full Name', 'Age'], // header row
['Steven Miller', '25'],
['Tamara Jordan', '23'],
['John Smith', '28']
<Table rows={ people } />
<TextField placeholder='e.g. Steven Miller' />
<Shape kind="circle" color="water" size="small"/>
// ... children