
a redux-simple-router example using redux, react, babel, webpack, css modules and isomorphic-fetch

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux Simple Router Example


  • react 0.14.2
  • redux 3.0.4
  • redux logger
  • redux simple router / react router for routing
  • babel 6.1.0
  • webpack 1.12.6
  • webpack dev server
  • express `4.13.3``
  • css modules / react-css-modules
  • post-css / autoprefixer
  • isomorphic-fetch for api calls

and most importantly Nothing else...

okay technically marked for showing some markdown and request to make an API call

Run it

npm install
npm start

Function components or react components

For this example I mixed and matched a bit between using functions and react components, this was really just to show the difference in the approach. In a real app you might have some consistent approach maybe all dump components are functions, and containers are react components, or maybe all dumb components are react components because they can then make use of react-css-modules for styleNames... It is up to you, you can mix and match like I did in the example if you like I guess too.
