
This is the repo for backend of the polling website

Primary LanguageC#

Voting website backend

Here are just placeholders for now and will added when finished
Here is the website for backend.

First idea

So bascially we first need the user to input the name, will provide an anonymous option.
Then it leads to the home page where u can create public/private votings.
THen u can send the link of the voting to anyone u want.

When another person got the link, idealy we would ask the name first and add anonymous option etc, then they can vote and see the results.
They can also comment below or add more options.

Database thoughts

There will be 4 tables. USER, POLL, POLL_OPTION and VOTE.
The USER table contains the USER_ID and their registed name. Not sure what to do with anonymous rn.
The POLL table is like the question. It has the id, question description and user id for checking the owner.
The POLL_OPTION table is the options for the poll. It has an id, text description and poll_id for the reference.
The VOTE table is the votes that users casted. It has a reference to poll_option id, reference to user_id and a COUNT for counting the number (can be resloved with singalR?)