Firstly, please accept my apologies for the sometimes messy and possibly unintelligible code. This was my first large project. should run "out of the box" in Windows, but compiling is a bit trickier. To compile, you'll need Python, Pygame, and the correct version of py2exe installed. The icon file (np_icon.ico) never looks right on my computer, but maybe you'll have better luck with it. To compile, cd to the src/ directory and run the script. Sometimes, pygame2exe throws a "WindowsError: The directory is not empty" exception, but if you keep brute-forcing the script, it will (should) eventually work. The compiled EXE will be in the dist/ folder. I went through hell and back figuring out how to put a relative link outside this folder, eventually writing a BAT script and converting that into an EXE. If you really want instructions about this final aesthetic step, just email me. Have fun!