
honeybii is an image-to-ascii converter

Primary LanguageRuby

Gem Version

<(||') honeybii

honeybii is a tool that converts images to ascii art.


$ gem install honeybii



require 'honeybii'

ascii_bee = ShadedAscii.new('/path/to/an/image.jpg')
puts ascii_bee
very_detailed_mona_lisa = ShadedAscii.new('/path/to/an/image.png', 2)
puts very_detailed_mona_lisa
starry_night_with_a_weird_gradient = ShadedAscii.new('/path/to/an/image.png', gradient: 2)
puts starry_night_with_a_weird_gradient
thick_looking_bee_near_flower = ShadedAscii.new('/path/to/an/image.gif', 10, style: 'one_to_one')
puts thick_looking_bee_near_flower

###command line

Usage: honeybii file.(png|gif|jpg) [options]
    -p, --pixel-size PIXELS          Size of image chunks to process into ascii (smaller => more detail) [default: 12]
    -g, --gradient N                 Gradient characters [default: 0] [{0=>"@%8\#$VYx*=+:~-.  "}, {1=>"8Oo:.  "}, {2=>"#+:  "}, {3=>"01  "}]
    -o, --one-to-one                 One-to-one shading, as opposed to relative


  • $ honeybii /path/to/some/image.png
  • $ honeybii /path/to/some/other/image.JPG -p 2
  • $ honeybii /path/to/yet/another/image.Gif -g 1 --one-to-one

current features

image => shaded ascii art

planned features

custom gradients
image => line ascii art
colored ascii (as html)

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