
A minimal HTTP/1.1 server for static content

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


There are lots of HTTP server implementations. This one's design goals are:

  • Serve static content only
  • Provide complete control over response headers
  • Configurability without a configuration language
  • As little code as possible in the request path
  • Standards-compliant implementation of content negotiation, conditional requests, and range requests

Other web servers use their own configuration languages for setting response headers, mapping URLs to file paths, and declaring redirects.

This one instead requires you to do all that work ahead of time, using any languages or tools you want, and compile the results into a simple filesystem structure that allows the server to efficiently look up and send the right response.

These pre-built responses include most of the response headers, with the server only adding a few headers when they are required for correct operation. In addition, you need to provide a little metadata so the server never has to parse the headers you've provided, but can just copy them directly to the client socket.

As a result:

  • You can use any feature of HTTP, so long as you can pre-compute every response to any possible request.

  • The server does very little work for each request: after parsing the request headers, it can quickly open the right file and stream it out.


I envision people building a variety of tools that make it easy to construct appropriately-formatted responses. Until then, here's how it works:

For each "request target" (which usually means a non-absolute URL, such as / or /robots.txt), you can provide a "resource", which can have one or more "representations". The process of deciding which representation to send is called content negotiation.

A representation is the combination of response headers and body. Both are optional, but there must be a blank line separating them, and headers should use CRLF line endings, so the smallest valid representation is "\r\n".

Each representation should be in a separate file, which you may name anything you want. You can reference the same representation from multiple resources if you want to.

You then need to provide some metadata for the resource as a whole, in a FlatBuffers-encoded binary file that follows the schema in src/resource.fbs. The simplest way to do that is to write a JSON-encoded version of the metadata and then use flatc -b resource.fbs foo.json to convert it to the binary representation.

Here's a sample resource, illustrating use of most of the schema.

  • This example puts one representation inline instead of in a separate file, which is good as long as the response is very small and is valid UTF-8.
  • The other representations give filenames for the actual response data. Constructing those files is left as an exercise to the reader.
  • Note that the header_length includes the "\r\n" that terminates the header section, and remember that every representation must include its headers (if any) and that blank line before the body.
  • The status field defaults to 200 if not specified, but I've made it explicit in this example.
  • If you have an ETag header in a representation, you should copy its value into the metadata so the server can correctly handle conditional requests.
  • If you have multiple representations which are subject to content negotiation, you need to tell the server which request headers should select each representation. The header names must include a trailing colon (":"). Also, for correct HTTP cache behavior, make sure each representation gets a different ETag.

Please see the documentation in resource.fbs for details.

  "representations": [
      "status": 200,
      "etag": "\"ecf701f727d9e2d77c4aa49ac6fbbcc997278aca010bddeeb961c10cf54d435a\"",
      "source_type": "InlineSource",
      "source": {
        "contents": "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\r\nETag: \"ecf701f727d9e2d77c4aa49ac6fbbcc997278aca010bddeeb961c10cf54d435a\"\r\n\r\nhello world!\n"
      "header_length": 120
      "status": 200,
      "etag": "\"597c0bff392438fe7398d9c936d75b35b5fe17d517350f067b51248761659287\"",
      "source_type": "FileSource",
      "source": {
        "filename": "sample/sample.html"
      "header_length": 119
      "status": 200,
      "etag": "\"3521640924b7f2dae82ecea6130ca67ae5efea5a0dabe0b802898eaa2cb3edd3\"",
      "source_type": "FileSource",
      "source": {
        "filename": "sample/sample.html.gz"
      "header_length": 143
  "negotiations": [
      "header": "accept:",
      "wildcard": "*/*",
      "must_match": true,
      "choices": [
          "name": "text/plain",
          "specificity": 2,
          "representations": [0]
          "name": "text/html",
          "specificity": 2,
          "representations": [1, 2]
          "name": "text/*",
          "specificity": 1,
          "representations": [0, 1, 2]
      "header": "accept-encoding:",
      "choices": [
          "name": "identity",
          "representations": [0, 1]
          "name": "gzip",
          "representations": [2]

The binary resource metadata then needs to be named after the URL-safe unpadded base-64 encoding of the sha-256 hash of the request target. I've provided a shell script to help with that:

$ ./hash-target /
$ ./hash-target /robots.txt

So if you name the binary version of the above sample il7asoJjJEMhngUeSt4tHVu8Zxx4EFG_FDeJfL3-oPE and run flashd from the same directory, then accessing http://localhost:8080/ should return one of the variants you configured. If you use a graphical web browser, you'll probably get the compressed HTML version, while if you use curl without any options, you'll get the plain-text "hello world!"

If the request target doesn't exist, the server will try to serve a resource file named error404. If that also doesn't exist, it will serve a compiled-in page, which is generated during the build process from src/404.json.