A stick I found, glued to a a rock I found.
MagicStix is a micro javascript framework. MagicStix allows you to easily create a single page application with template parsing and remote data.
Download the newest release, place it in your application's js directory, and include it in your application source.
<script src="/js/magicstix.min.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title> test </title>
<p>Your ip is <span content="<%= ip %>" remote="http://ip.jsontest.com/"></span></p>
- Creates a simple single page application.
- Consumes remote API's for display on your application.
- Displays blocks of HTML in async.
- Renders EJS templates with variables from local or remote sources.
- Provide any UI utlities or widgets. (use bootstrap, materialize, etc)
- Perform actual authentication
- Make Coffee
- Clean toilets
The following plugins are built into MagiStix, but can be