

This collection is provided to assist Jamf Pro users of the Classic API. It provides a quick method to interact with all non-deprecated endpoints.

This article describes the recommended Postman configuration and setup process to import the collection, configure variables to connect it to your Jamf Pro environment and begin testing API calls and interacting with your Jamf Pro environment via the Classic API.

The following expectations were used when designing this collection:

  • All POST operations include a pre-populated request body.
    • This request body may not include all fields supported by the body of the given object, however it will include those required to successfully create the object.
    • Pull requests or issue submissions are encouraged to enhance or update this data.
  • All GET operations include at least one example response.
    • Endpoints that have conditional inputs in the form of parameters or request bodies should include multiple examples (e.g. computercommmands and mobiledevicecommands).
  • All query parameters that have a defined list of acceptable values denote the allowed values in the description of the parameter.

Import the Collection

Use the following options to import the collection into Postman:

  • For Jamf Pro version 10.34.0 and earlier: Click the Run in Postman button to automatically import the collection into your Postman app.
  • For Jamf Pro Version 10.35.0 and later: Click the Run in Postman button to automatically import the collection into your Postman app.
  • In Postman, click File >> Import.
    • Download the JSON included in this repo and select the .json file.

Define Environment Variables

This collection utilizes the following variables which should be defined within the environment variables. Using variables at the collection level is not currently supported by the script that performs that authorization token requests. Follow Postman's documentation to Manage Environments.

10.34.0 and earlier

Variable Description Example
url Hostname and port of the Jamf Pro environment
username Username to authenticate to Jamf Pro with administrator
password Password of the user authenticating to Jamf Pro pa$$word

10.35.0 and later

Variable Description Example
url Protocol, hostname and port of the Jamf Pro environment
username Username to authenticate to Jamf Pro with administrator
password Password of the user authenticating to Jamf Pro pa$$word

This version of the collection utilizes scripts to manage the Bearer Token, which is a new authentication method supported in version 10.35.0 and later of Jamf Pro. Tokens will be requested as necessary, so no interaction with authentication endpoint should be necessary. For more information on authentication changes to the Classic API, see the Jamf Developer Portal.

Getting Started

After the collection has been imported and valid values have been defined for the variables, all calls should be supported with minimal input required. Additional data will be required either in the form of a parameter value and/or a request body.