Jamf Homebrew Tap

Jamf tools for macOS, distributed via Homebrew

Getting Started

This repository is a Homebrew tap for Jamf tools. After installing Homebrew, add this repository as a tap:

brew tap jamf/tap


Installing Tools From the Tap

After setting up the tap, install any of the available tools just like any regular Homebrew package. For example:

brew install jamf-pro

Check out the formulas in this repository to see what is available.

Beta Releases

To install beta channel releases, instead of the stable ones, add a --HEAD flag after the brew commands:

brew install jamf-pro --HEAD


Feel free to contribute! If you created a tool that might be useful to others, add it here as a formula. Read Homebrew's excellent docs on creating a formula first. Then, open a pull request and add at least one of the maintainers below as reviewer.
