Pinned issues
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#774 opened by renovate - 0
fast-xml-parser vulnerable to prototype pollution SNYK-JS-FASTXMLPARSER-3325616 sonatype-2023-0998
#807 opened by jdgcj - 0
(feature request) server side encryption SSE-C with headers SSECustomerAlgorithm SSECustomerKey SSECustomerKeyMD5
#820 opened by sytolk - 0
EPERM: operation not permitted
#819 opened by sytolk - 1
Error ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
#818 opened by sytolk - 0
Internal Server Error
#815 opened by yrgajjar - 0
ListObjectsV2 MaxKeys parameter is broken
#814 opened by gdavidsson - 2
if i use aws java v2 sdk putobject fail
#812 opened by lygn128 - 4
- 0
Simulate slow fetch
#802 opened by jpike88 - 0
Feature request - storing/retrieving checksum metadata (x-amz-checksum) inside object attributes
#801 opened by colesiegel - 0
attention on files contains url ecoding putcopy function need decodeURIComponent
#798 opened by DEvmIb - 0
Custom Store
#790 opened by BasToTheMax - 5
Credentials can't be configured
#498 opened by c24w - 1
- 0
Failed to upload large file (53Mb)
#787 opened by github-benoit-dav - 1
- 4
- 5
Storage Class not being respected
#727 opened by Jake7D - 1
- 0
Project maintenance status
#623 opened by kherock - 4
Support Signature Version 4 streaming API
#534 opened by ad-m - 6
- 4
Error: fopen(httpseek://): failed to open stream ...
#713 opened by parajbs - 1
Signature doesn't seem to be checked
#659 opened by idevelop - 1
more useful logging output
#644 opened by ad-m - 1
[Question/feature request] Run static website without having to put each file after bucket creation
#617 opened by scooper91 - 1
S3 - BUG - Meta Tags on PUT Command do not work
#591 opened by pl4yradam - 1
Drops first 5 letters of bucket name
#541 opened by TheGrandmother - 5
Close Stale Issues/PRs
#686 opened by fishcharlie - 2
vhostBuckets Documentation Confusing
#685 opened by fishcharlie - 0
Add package-lock.json to repository
#636 opened by ad-m - 0
Migrate to GitHub Actions
#627 opened by kherock - 10
Project inactive?
#673 opened by fishcharlie - 2
replace moment.js with maintaned date library
#678 opened by ad-m - 0
Triage s3tests
#648 opened by ad-m - 2
Documenting the supported S3 API surface
#640 opened by ad-m - 2
Add guideline for dev DNS server
#635 opened by ad-m - 0
Drop support for Node 8 (EOL was Dec 2019)
#638 opened by ad-m - 7
Add the possibility to disable the vhost resolution
#557 opened by ksnll - 1
- 1
SignatureDoesNotMatch error when signing a request containing unicode characters
#513 opened by rafou - 7
HEAD got 403 (using boto python library)
#567 opened by allan-simon - 4
Publish official Docker images
#624 opened by kherock - 0
- 4
CORS not working
#594 opened by voltuer - 0
bug: the url in the <Location> reponse is xml encoded whereas in aws s3 it's urlencoded
#504 opened by allan-simon - 11
Requests for images and other non-html content via a website endpoint not handled
#502 opened by jagregory - 2
/usr/bin/env: 'node\r': No such file or directory
#508 opened by pitrou - 3