
A tool to create RPM repositories on the fly.

Primary LanguagePerlBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


A tool to create RPM repositories on the fly.


  • rpmbuild
  • perl


Under redhat, suse etc (yumland)

rpm -i rpmbuilderutil-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm

Under debian

alien -i rpmbuilderutil-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm


rpmbuilderutil --verbose --config build.json --rpmout /rpm/output/path/ --basepath /path/to/your/file/base/ --target development --help
argument function default
help shows a help dialog
config define the configuration file build.json
rpmout output directory for generated rpm current working dir
basepath base directory of your project current working dir
target placeholder for special purpose ""

Configuration file

The configuration file contains either a json object or a json array of objects. So you can create different rpm for different server targets at once for example.

		"rpm"         : "myprogram-{VERSION}-{RELEASE}.{ARCH}",
		"name"        : "myprogram",
		"version"     : "1.0.0",	
		"target"      : "development",
		"description" : "myprogram does a lot of stuff"
		"rpm"         : "myprogram-{VERSION}-{RELEASE}.{ARCH}",
		"name"        : "myprogram",
		"version"     : "1.0.0",	
		"target"      : "production",
		"description" : "myprogram does a lot of stuff"

Object elements

All elements on the first level will be available for substitutions.

	"element1" : "{ELEMENT2}.bar",
	"element2" : "foo"

will be resolved to

	"element1" : "foo.bar",
	"element2" : "foo"


The element files is an array of file objects. Those object requires a type, source, destination and mode.

  • type available types are file or directory
  • source source file path relative to your basepath
  • destination destination file path absolute to the new system (prefix /)
  • mode mode of the file or directory
	"rpm"         : "myprogram-{VERSION}-{RELEASE}.{ARCH}",
	"name"        : "myprogram",
	"version"     : "1.0.0",	
	"target"      : "development",
	"description" : "myprogram does a lot of stuff",
	"files"       : [
			"type"        : "file",
			"source"      : "/path/to/file",
			"destination" : "/usr/local/share/myprogram/file",
			"mode"        : "0644"

You can install a file that depends on an object element. Use target for this purpose. You can pass it as external argument too.

	"target"      : "development",
	"files"       : [
			"type"        : "file",
			"source"      : "myprogram/configuration/myprogram.{TARGET}.conf",
			"destination" : "/etc/myprogram.conf",
			"mode"        : "0644"

This will install /basepath/myproject/configuration/myprogram.development.conf to /etc/myprogram.conf with owner(rw), group(r), other(r) rights. You can also do runtime text substitutions on the files. This will edit the destination file and not the source file.

	"files"       : [
			"type"         : "file",
			"source"       : "myprogram/script/initd.sh",
			"destination"  : "/etc/init.d/myprogram",
			"mode"         : "0755",
			"substitution" : {
				"MYBINPATH" : "/usr/local/bin/myprogram",
				"MYCONFIG"  : "/etc/myprogram.conf",
				"MYLOGFILE" : "/var/log/myprogram.log"

This will edit basepath/myprogram/script/initd.sh and install the result


	"target"      : "development",
	"files"       : [
			"type"           : "directory",
			"source"         : "myproject/data/{TARGET}",
			"destination"    : "/usr/share/myproject/data",
			"mode"           : "0644"

Installs all files from /basepath/myproject/data/development/ to /usr/share/myproject/data/ with owner(rw), group(r), other(r)

Use include to filter a subset of the files.

	"target"      : "development",
	"files"       : [
			"type"           : "directory",
			"source"         : "myproject/data/{TARGET}",
			"destination"    : "/usr/share/myproject/data",
			"mode"           : "0644",
			"include"        : [

If the include string matches the filepath then the file pass the include filter


There are 4 events that could be handled

  • preinstall Before the installation starts
  • postinstall After the installation is done
  • preuninstall Before the uninstall
  • postuninstall After the uninstall

You can either put shell commands to the handler or you use build in macros

	"preinstall": [
		"echo 'preinstall'"
	"postinstall" : [
		"echo 'postinstall'",
		"macro::touchfile('/var/log/myprogram.log', 'myuser', 'mygroup', '0664')"
	"preuninstall" : [
		"echo 'preuninstall'"
	"postuninstall" : [
		"echo 'postuninstall'"

Build-in macros (NYI)

  • macro::checkfile(path) If path is not a regular file exit with 10
  • macro::checkfolder(path) If path is not a folder exit with 11
  • macro::execute(cmd) Execute a shell command. If command failed exit with 12
  • macro::execute(delete)
  • macro::touchfile(path[,owner][,group][,mode]) Creates a file with user, group and file permissions


The element require is a map of requirements.


Version can have different six comparators.

  1. > application version must be greater than version
  2. >= application version must be greater than or equal to version
  3. = application version must be equal to version
  4. <= application version must be less than version
  5. < application version must be less than version
  6. ***** don't care about the application version
	"require"     : {	
		"php"    : ">=5.3.3",
		"apache" : "*",
		"perl"   : "*"


Deploy this program

This program is a simple perl script that wraps around rpmbuild. It requires rpmbuild and perl. Final exe should be stored under /usr/local/bin/rpmbuilderutil So we have rpmbuilderutil/rpmbuilderutil.pl and we want to deploy this as executable program on other machines. The build.json for this task looks very simple:

	"rpm"         : "rpmbuilderutil-{VERSION}-{RELEASE}.{ARCH}",
	"name"        : "rpmbuilderutil",
	"version"     : "1.0.0",	
	"description" : "Utility tool to create rpm packages on the fly",
	"require"     : {	
		"rpmbuild": "*",
		"perl"    : "*"
	"files"       : [
			"type"        : "file",
			"source"      : "rpmbuilderutil.pl",
			"destination" : "/usr/local/bin/rpmbuilderutil",
			"mode"        : "0755"

The rpm key defines the rpm output. rpmbuilderutil-{VERSION}-{RELEASE}.{ARCH} will be transformed into something like rpmbuilderutil-1.0.0-1.x86_64(.rpm)

Deploy the webapp example

As actor i want to create a deployable rpm of a zf2 (skeleton) application. The rpm should install itself to /var/www/htdocs/, copy target depending config, set the httpd vhost conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/sites-enabled/.conf, set the log path to /var/log/apache2/-error.log and restart the apache after the installation

The following steps should be done by the ci

  1. checkout the source
  2. run composer to get dependencies
  3. run rpmbuilderutil
  4. push created RPM to artifactory or deploy

By hand

[jami@shodo rpmbuilderutil]# cd example/webapp/
[jami@shodo webapp]# ./composer.phar install 
[jami@shodo webapp]# rpmbuilderutil 

The deploy by rpm -i webapp-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm Finally set your hosts or dns to webapp.localhost

	"rpm"         : "{NAME}-{VERSION}-{RELEASE}.{ARCH}",
	"name"        : "webapp",
	"version"     : "1.0.0",
	"target"      : "development",	
	"group"       : "internet",
	"description" : "Webapp that do stuff",
	"webroot"     : "/var/www/htdocs/{NAME}",
	"require"     : {		
		"httpd" : "*",
		"php"   : ">5.0.0"
	"files"       : [
			"type"        : "file",
			"source"      : "vhost/vhost.{TARGET}.conf",
			"destination" : "/etc/httpd/conf.d/sites-enabled/{NAME}.conf",
			"mode"        : "0644",
			"substitution" : {
				"DOCUMENTROOT" : "{WEBROOT}/public",
				"LOGERRORPATH" : "/var/log/apache2/webapp-error.log"
			"type"           : "directory",
			"source"         : "project",
			"destination"    : "{WEBROOT}",
			"mode"           : "0644",
			"include"        : [
			"type"        : "file",
			"source"      : "targetconfig/databases.{TARGET}.php",
			"destination" : "{WEBROOT}/config/autoload/databases.local.php",
			"mode"        : "0644"
	"postinstall" : [
		"apachectl restart"