
Quick and dirty lambda function to map our current JIRA sprint & due date to a Slack channel topic

Primary LanguageRuby


To properly run, you'll need to authenticate with JIRA, Slack, and AWS, and then set a few environment variables.



  • LAMBDA_FUNCTION is the name of the function in lambda you want to publish to

Deploying to Lambda

Local setup: brew install awscli, and then run aws configure. You'll need an AWS Access Key and Secret Key, from an IAM account. Be sure they have sufficient Lambda priveleges.

Initial setup: Create a new lambda function. The name of this function should be exported as LAMBDA_FUNCTION locally to run deploys. Add environment variables for the other 3 variables above.

rake publish to build + deploy code.

From AWS console, fire a test event, it should execute.

Finally, to get the script to auto-fire, we'll need to set up CloudWatch to schedule execution on a regular basis. See documentation here.