Ostat is an extremely lightweight Linux daemon that provides basic systems metrics in json via a TCP server. Values are background refreshed on a -update-int
seconds intervals and stored in memory for access.
Ostat includes the ofetch tool (utils/ofetch) for quickly gathering metrics from a whole network of hosts in a highly parallelized fashion.
$ ostat -h
Usage of ./ostat:
-listen string
Listen address:port (default "localhost:8080")
-update-int int
Metrics update interval (default 30)
Output with comments:
$ echo "stats" | nc localhost 8080 | jq '.'
"hostname01": {
"general": {
"uptime": 405602, # seconds
"cpu": {
"Model": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz",
"cores": 2
"load": {
"short": 1.05,
"mid": 0.01,
"long": 0.05,
"procs": 117
"mem": {
"total": 8175632, # All mem values in KB
"free": 6845488,
"used": 1330144,
"usedp": 16, # Memory used in percent, excludes buffers/cache
"shared": 0,
"buffer": 102332,
"swaptotal": 0,
"swapfree": 0
"storage": {
"/": { # All mounted block-device filesystems are automatically discovered
"free": 60062488, # All storage values in KB
"inodesfree": 3838717,
"inodestotal": 3932160,
"inodesused": 93443,
"total": 61784292,
"type": "ext4",
"used": 1721804,
"usedp": 2 # Storage used in percent
go get github.com/jamiealquiza/ostat
go install github.com/jamiealquiza/ostat
- Binary will be found at