
Articles and links about decentralized identifiers and soverign identity

Decentralized Self-Soverign Identifiers

Articles and links about decentralized identifiers and soverign identity

What is a DID?

  • Decentralized identifier
  • Like regular unique identifiers (address, email, username, social media, etc) but digital and decentralized.
  • Not issued and controlled by external entities. Self-soverign.
  • globally unique
  • resolvable with high availability
  • cryptographically verifiable
  • persistent without continued operation of any org.
  • Immune to issues of centralized and centrally stored identifiers (fraudulent replication, identity theft, revokation, outages)
  • Use Cases: https://www.w3.org/TR/did-use-cases/

What is Self-Soverign Id?

  • self-owned credentials : “Login with Google” must become “Login with my own, revokable, identity”
  • data and keys stored in wallet and share only what is needed with service providers
  • Possibly use zk-proofs to do KYC without sharing any information
  • Reliance on blockchain and cryptographic proofs to keep PI data only within wallet

Decentralized Identifier Solutions
