import.meta compiler extensions

This is a proposal for some community extensions to import.meta which makes it easier for tooling that relies on static analysis of imports to better integrate when it comes to dynamic imports.


Unlike import "url" declarations import(url) expressions don't have a static url declared as a string. It is perfectly valid to dynamically create urls

Example 1:

let puppiesUrl = "./images/puppies.jpg";
let kittiesUrl = "./images/kitties.jpg";
let animalUrl = Math.random() ? puppiesUrl : kittiesUrl;

import(animalUrl).then(img => ...);

Example 2:

let animal = Math.random() ? "puppies" : "kitties";
let animalUrl = "./images/" + animal;

import(animalUrl).then(img => ...);

This is a good feature to have, but it does cause problems for bundlers, type checkers, linters, and other tools that rely on static analysis to find module dependencies.

For example, with the above examples it is difficult to reliably determine which modules are going to be imported and there are even more situations where it is impossible altogether.

We need a way in JavaScript to describe dependencies without immediately importing them.


let puppiesUrl = import.meta.url("./images/puppies.jpg");
let kittiesUrl = import.meta.url("./images/kitties.jpg");
let animalUrl = Math.random() ? puppiesUrl : kittiesUrl;

import(animalUrl).then(img => ...);


let puppiesUrl = "./images/puppies.jpg";
let kittiesUrl = "./images/kitties.jpg";
let animalUrl = Math.random() ? puppiesUrl : kittiesUrl;

import(animalUrl).then(img => ...);


let getImageUrl = import.meta.glob("./images/*");
let animal = Math.random() ? "puppies" : "kitties";
let animalUrl = getImageUrl(`./images/${animal}`);

import(animalUrl).then(img => ...);


function __importMetaGlob(glob, regex) {
  return url => {
    if (regex.test(url)) {
      return url;
    } else {
      throw new Error(`${url} does not match ${glob}`);

let getImageUrl = __importMetaGlob("./images/*", /^\.\/images\/([^/]*)$/);
let animal = Math.random() ? "puppies" : "kitties";
let animalUrl = getImageUrl(`./images/${animal}`);

import(animalUrl).then(img => ...);


() => import("./path")

Today the easiest way to create static dependencies without immediately importing them is to wrap them in a function.

let importPuppies = () => import("./images/puppies.jpg");
let importKitties = () => import("./images/kitties.jpg");
let importAnimal = Math.random() > 0.5 ? importPuppies : importKitties;

importAnimal().then(img => ...);

This works okay for the import.meta.url case, but doesn't solve the import.meta.glob case.