
Web scraper for Foreign Agent Registration Act active agents

Primary LanguagePython


This project is a scrapy spider for scraping information about foreign principals, registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

It takes around 5-6 minutes to collect all data with AUTOTHROTTLE enabled (see settings).


Download and unzip the zip file to a convenient location.


If you are satisfied that scrapy and pytest are present and working in your environment you can skip this step as the fara spider itself needs no installation other than unzipping.

Otherwise, to ensure all dependencies are present, install to a conda env. Instructions to install Miniconda are here: https://conda.io/docs/install/quick.html

conda create -n fara python=2.7 scrapy=1.3.2 pytest=3.0.6 -c conda-forge
activate fara

conda create -n fara python=2.7 scrapy=1.3.2 pytest=3.0.6 -c conda-forge
source activate fara


Once the dependencies are installed, run the integration test (from inside the project root directory):

pytest -v


Run the spider (again, from inside the project root directory):

scrapy crawl fara

By default the results are output to ".fara.json" in the project root directory. This can be changed by setting the FEED_URI parameter in the fara.settings.py module, or from the command line when running the crawler.

scrapy crawl fara -s FEED_URI="/path/to/output.json"


{ "exhibit_urls": [{ "date": "2014-07-03 00:00:00", "foreign_principal": "Transformatin and Continuity", "exhibit_url": "http://www.fara.gov/docs/6065-Exhibit-AB-20140703-5.pdf" }], "url": "https://efile.fara.gov/pls/apex/f?p=171:200:0::NO:RP,200:P200_REG_NUMBER,P200_DOC_TYPE,P200_COUNTRY:6065,Exhibit%20AB,AFGHANISTAN", "country": "AFGHANISTAN", "state": "VA", "reg_num": "6065", "foreign_principal": "Transformation and Continuity", "address": "8105 Ainsworth Avenue\r\nSpringfield\u00a0\u00a022152", "date": "2014-07-03 00:00:00", "registrant": "Roberti + White, LLC" }


NUM_RESPONSES This sets how how many foreign principal rows are returned in the initial call (by default we populate them all in a single call but this is not always desirable, for example in integration testing. It can be set in fara.settings.py or from the command line.

For example to call 2 rows from the live site to check results are as expected:

scrapy crawl fara -s NUM_RESPONSES=2 -s HTTPCACHE_ENABLED=False


The process is to first set the session cookie by a GET request to: https://efile.fara.gov/pls/apex/f?p=171:130:0::NO:RP,130:P130_DATERANGE:N

This then allows us to make a POST to: https://efile.fara.gov/pls/apex/wwv_flow.show

This is an APEX form to which we submit a number of parameters. Most useful for our purposes is the p_widget_num_return which controls the number of results per page. If we set this high then we receive all the foreign principal rows in a single call. The default for All is 100000. Currently there are in the order of 500 items so this allows plenty of time for growth.

Next we extract the required data which are mainly contained within the foreign principal row apart from the exhibit links, and add them to our item.

Finally we make a GET request to the link found in the foreign principal row to see the exhibits stored for this foreign principal's registering agent, e.g: https://efile.fara.gov/pls/apex/f?p=171:200:0::NO:RP,200:P200_REG_NUMBER,P200_DOC_TYPE,P200_COUNTRY:6065,Exhibit%20AB,AFGHANISTAN

From here we extract 0 (see ANALYSIS [1] below) or more exhibit descriptions. These are returned as a list of dicts (see ANALYSIS [2] for reasoning) as follows:

[{"date": datetime.datetime(), 
 "url": "http://www.fara.gov/docs/<doc link>",
 "foreign_pricipal": "<foreign principal name>"}, ...]

The item is passed through a pipeline to prepare it for serialisation to JSON (converting empty strings and lists to None), and finally added to a jsonlines file with the name (datestamp).fara.json stored in the project root directory.


  1. Missing data In some cases there appears to be a bug with FARA where countries with brackets or dots in their name return zero results for exhibits, suggesting an issue on the backend with SQL sanitisation. The approach I've taken here is to return None, though it may be advisable to raise the issue with the site owners.



There are other countries with dots, brackets, or both, but these have no registered foreign agents at the moment.

The other missing data issue identified is that there are no exhibit URLs available for two of the foreign principals in the CAYMAN ISLANDS. These are Polymet Alloys Inc. (only registerd 02/16/2017 so may be available later), and Government of the Cayman Islands (registered 03/04/1974).

The URLs which fail (currently 17) are logged at ERROR level during scraping, but the data which could be gathered is retained.

  1. Exhibit links If the approach had been to retrieve just the most recent PDF link, there is a risk that some of the URLs refer to a different foreign principal than is intended. This is because some of the registering agents register on behalf of multiple foreign principals. There are also different document types stored. Retrieving only the most recent leaves potential sources of information behind.

For this reason, we return details on all the exhibits available, which can be used to disambiguate them at a later date if required, for example by a fuzzy comparison of the foreign_principal names, or fuzzy date matching, or even a combination of the two. A stub function, faraspider.disambiguate_doclinks has been added to contain this logic.