brew install stow
to get the latest version of GNU stowgit clone
directorycd dotfiles
since this is not a file we need to symlink
stow -t ~ vim
to stow the vim files- Run
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
to get Vundle working. Stow cannot clone directories (so it cannot stow /bundle/Vundle.vim). We need to manually add Vundle and then we can use Vundle to add everything else. - Open vim and run
to install all plugins in .vimrc
This is just a straight copy of bashstrap on github.
6. stow -t ~ bash
stow -t ~ gitconfig
NOTE: To check files are correctly simlinked, run ls -la
in ~
The output should look like this:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jamiekent 43 Dec 17 10:50 .vimrc -> ../../mnt/c/Users/jamie/dotfiles/vim/.vimrc