
Learning goals

  1. Fix a performance bug.
  2. Use UML class diagrams to represent relationships between classes.


This README presents our solution to the previous lab: a map implementation called MyFixedHashMap because it fixes the performance bug in MyHashMap. We'll also introduce the UML class diagram, which is a graphical representation of the relationships between classes.

Fixing MyHashMap

The problem with MyHashMap is in size, which is inherited from MyBetterMap:

	public int size() {
		int total = 0;
		for (MyLinearMap<K, V> map: maps) {
			total += map.size();
		return total;

To add up the total size it has to iterate the sub-maps. Since we increase the number of sub-maps, k, as the number of entries, n, increases, k is proportional to n, so size is linear.

And that makes put linear, too, because it uses size:

	public V put(K key, V value) {
		V oldValue = super.put(key, value);

		if (size() > maps.size() * FACTOR) {
		return oldValue;

Everything we did to make put constant time is wasted if size is linear!

Fortunately, there is a simple solution, and we have seen it before: we have to keep the number of entries in an instance variable and update it whenever we call a method that changes it.

If you check out the solution branch of the previous lab, javacs-lab08, you'll find our solution in MyFixedHashMap.java.

Here's the beginning of the class definition:

public class MyFixedHashMap<K, V> extends MyHashMap<K, V> implements Map<K, V> {

	private int size = 0;

	public void clear() {
		size = 0;

Rather than modify MyHashedMap, we define a new class that extends it. It adds a new instance variable, size, which is initialized to zero.

Updating clear is straightforward; we invoke clear in the superclass (which clears the sub-maps), and then update size.

Updating remove and put is a little more difficult because when we invoke the method on the superclass, we can't tell whether the size of the sub-map changed. Here's how we worked around that:

	public V remove(Object key) {
		MyLinearMap<K, V> map = chooseMap(key);
		size -= map.size();
		V oldValue = map.remove(key);
		size += map.size();
		return oldValue;

remove uses chooseMap to find the right sub-map, then subtracts away the size of the sub-map. It invokes remove on the sub-map, which may or may not change the size of the sub-map, depending on whether it finds the key. But either way, we add the new size of the sub-map back to size, so the final value of size is correct.

The rewritten version of put is similar:

	public V put(K key, V value) {
		MyLinearMap<K, V> map = chooseMap(key);
		size -= map.size();
		V oldValue = map.put(key, value);
		size += map.size();

		if (size() > maps.size() * FACTOR) {
			size = 0;
		return oldValue;

We have the same problem here: when we invoke put on the sub-map, we don't know whether it added a new entry. So we use the same solution, subtracting off the old size and then adding in the new size.

Now the implementation of the size method is simple:

	public int size() {
		return size;

And that's pretty clearly constant time.

When we profiled this solution, we found that the total time for putting n keys is proportional to n, which means that each put is constant time, as it's supposed to be.

UML class diagrams

One challenge of working with the code for this lab is that we have several classes that depend on each other. Here are some of the relationships between the classes:

  • MyLinearMap contains an ArrayList and implements Map.
  • MyBetterMap contains many MyLinearMap objects and implements Map.
  • MyHashMap extends MyBetterMap, so it also contains MyLinearMap objects, and it implements Map.
  • MyFixedHashMap also extends MyHashMap, and it implements Map.

To help keep track of relationships like these, software engineers often use "UML class diagrams". UML stands for Unified Modeling Language; a class diagram is one of several graphical standards defined by UML.

In a class diagram, each class is represented by a box, and relationships between classes are represented by arrows. Here is a UML class diagram for the classes from the previous lab:

alt tag

Different relationships are represented by different arrows:

  • Arrows with a solid head indicate HAS-A relationships. For example, each instance of MyBetterMap contains multiple instances of MyLinearMap, so they are connected by a solid arrow.
  • Arrows with a hollow head and a solid line indicate IS-A relationships. For example, MyHashMap extends MyBetterMap, so they are connected by an IS-A arrow.
  • Arrows with a hollow head and a dashed line indicate that one class implements another; in this diagram, every class implements Map (except Map itself).

UML class diagrams provide a concise way to represent a lot of information about a collection of classes. They are used during design phases to communicate about alternative designs, during implementation phases to maintain a shared mental map of the project, and during deployment to document the design.


yUML is the online tool we used to draw the diagram in this README.