
A .NET binding to NationBuilder's Web API.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A .NET binding to NationBuilder's Web API.

Sample Usage

using NationBuilderAPI.V1;

NationBuilderSession nbSession = new NationBuilderSession("your-nation-slug", "your-access-token");

// Iterate over all people in our nation:
foreach (AbbreviatedPerson p in nbSession.GetPeopleResults())
  // Use the person data.  E.g., display the name and e-mail:
  outpTextBox.AppendText("E-mail: " + p.email + ", Name: " + p.first_name + " " + p.last_name + "\n");
  • Install the NationBuilderAPI NuGet package in your project. (If, for some reason, you can't install the NuGet package, compile this project, and reference the <NationBuilderAPI.dll> in your project.)

  • You need to obtain an access token for your NationBuilder app in order to be able to call NationBuilder's API methods (endpoints). You can obtain one by completing an OAuth login and token exchange. Once you have the access token you can use it as shown above. (You can also create a 'test token' through Nation Builder's web API.)

Receive "Person created" Webhooks in a WCF Service:

// Expose this method in your WCF service, and use its URL to receive "Person created"
// webhook requests:
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST",
    BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare,
    ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
    UriTemplate = "WebhookReception/NationBuilder/PersonCreated")]
public void NationBuilder_PersonCreated(

    // !!!: Process your webhookContent here.
    // Use webhookContent.payload.person.ToPerson() to get the base
    // NationBuilderAPI.V1.Person.  If you simply cast
    // webhookContent.payload.person, you'll have to resolve types when
    // serializing.

/// <summary>
/// Validate a webhook's security token.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="webhookContent">The webhook input payload to validate.</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c>, meaning that access was granted, or throws a
///   <see cref="System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAccessDeniedException"/>
///   if access was denied.</returns>
private bool NationBuilder_WebhookRequest_CheckAccess<PayloadT>(
    if (webhookContent.token != "your-webhook-authentication-token")
        throw new System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAccessDeniedException(
            "Invalid Nation Builder webhook token!");

    return true;

Use Custom Fields

class CustomPerson : Person
    double height;
	// . . .

class CustomDonation : Donation
    string in_memory_of;
	// . . .

public void UseCustomFields()
    using (var session = new NationBuilderSession<CustomPerson, CustomDonation>(nationSlug, nationAccessToken))
        var shownPersonResponse = session.ShowPerson("123");
        CustomPerson shownPerson = shownPersonResponse.person;
		// . . .

Migration from v. 1.2 and Earlier

  • Since the addition of custom fields, methods returning PersonResponse now take a type parameter for the custom Person type:
// Convert:
NationBuilderAPI.V1.PersonResponse res;

// into:
NationBuilderAPI.V1.PersonResponse<NationBuilderAPI.V1.Person> res;


This project is distributed under GPL v.2. If you need a different license for a commercial project, send me a note.

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