Dead Writer Tweet Generator

Live Site.

This is a web app that generates new text from the works of deceased writers. There are currently 7 authors on the site:

  • The Brother's Grimm
  • Edgar Allan Poe
  • Oscar Wilde
  • Virginia Woolf
  • Lewis Carroll
  • William Shakespeare
  • HP Lovecraft

The new text is generated using Markov models in public/scripts/tweet.js and can be tweeted from the web app to the 'dead-writers' Twitter account.

The original code was written in Python as part of a class project. The repo for the class can be found here:

This project is no longer in active development. If you have any questions or comments regarding the app, please contact me at


Click here for the live site

Built With

  • Javascript ES5
  • Node.js/Express.js
  • Bootstrap and Handlebars


  • Jamie McCrory


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


'\n', newline characters

  • Everytime the site launches, there is a text cleaning process that happens before the Markov model is built. Currently this process does not remove newline characters: '/n' which end up as their own tokens within the histogram. To create a better Markov model, newline characters should have been removed.

punctuation tokenization

  • Punctuation marks should have been tokenized. Right now punctuation is part of the words they appear next to. So for example: "girl" and "girl!" are considered to be two different tokens.

These two changes would have greatly improved the quality of the tweets and remain the focus of future efforts.


A Markov model is "a stochastic model used to model randomly changing systems" in this case the order of words an author uses.


alt text