
Reinforcement Learning for AD algorithm search with AlphaZero

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This package contains the core implementation of the AlphaGrad reinforcement learning algorithm.


The following packages are required to successfully run the algorithms.


To start a run of the RL algorithm, use the following command. CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 vertex_A0.py --task RoeFlux_1d --name test --seed 123 The config subfolder contains .yaml files to configure the hyperparameters of the experiments. Similarly, you can run the experiments of separate_models_vertex_ppo.py and vertex_A0_joint.py. Note that it is necessary to set up wandb to log the experiments. Use --wandb disabled to deactivate it.

Directory structure

The project structure is described in the following section:

  • alphagrad
    • src

      • alphagrad
        • alphazero
          • environment_interaction.py Contains the implementation of the Monte-Carlo Tree Search.
          • vertex_A0.py Run this script for a single task experiment with AlphaZero.
          • vertex_A0_joint.py Run this script for a single task experiment with AlphaZero.
        • eval This folder contains the evaluation of the elimination orders found by the RL algorithm. Also contains the reward curves and Jupyter notebooks used to create the figures from the paper.
        • ppo
          • runtime_vertex_ppo.py Run this script for a single task experiment with PPO and actual runtime as reward for the model. Not tested yet.
          • separate_models_vertex_ppo.py Run this script for a single task experiment with PPO where We use a separate model for policy and value networks.
          • vertex_ppo_joint.py Run this script for joint experiments with PPO. This script is decomissioned.
          • vertex_ppo.py Run this script for a single task experiment with PPO where we use a joint model for policy and value functions.
        • transformer Implementation of transformer model used in this work.
        • vertexgame
          • interpreter This folder contains the functions that trace the python function to create the computational graph representation used as the state for the RL algorithm.
          • codegeneration This folder contains the source code that was used to generate the random functions f and g.
          • transforms This folder contains a set of transformations similar to image augumentations in computer vision.
          • vertex_game.py Implementation of the VertexGame reinforcement learning game using the number of multiplications as a reward.
          • runtime_game.py Implementation of the VertexGame reinforcement learning game using the runtime as a reward.
          • core.py Core implementation of the environment dynamics model of cross-country elimination with sparsity types, Jacobian shapes etc.
    • docs

    • tests

Plots and results

The eval subfolder contains the code used to evaluate the elimination orders. For every experiment, the folder contains an appropriate subfolder with a .ipynb notebook. The graphax.jacve(f, order=order, argnums=argnums) command computes the Jacobian with Graphax for a given elimination order order. The syntax is similar to the syntax of jax.jacfwd and jax.jacrev. Runtime performances are tested with the graphax.perf package.