
Repo for the Foundry-10 Project

Primary LanguageC#


Repo for the Foundry-10 Project. A VR American-History simulator!


We'll be creating a VR game for educational purposes, to hopefully spur discussion in classrooms and motivate a more hands-on and immersive approach to history in schools.


Unity version 5.5 or higher

Main Contributors

Team Leads

Jamie Polintan - @jamiepoli




Coding contributions to be made by members of Code the Change UBC only.

When making a contribution, make sure to do the following:

  1. Assign yourself to an issue
  2. Make sure you git pull the latest changes to the master branch
  3. Checkout a new branch git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch] to commit your changes to
  4. Make (and test!) your changes.
  5. git commit -m "ADD A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF YOUR CHANGES HERE" to commit your changes to the branch
  6. git push origin [name_of_your_new_branch] to push your changes to the repo
  7. Create a Pull Request into the master branch
  8. After approval, merge branch into master.


Clone the repo from:

  • HTTPS git clone https://github.com/CodeTheChangeUBC/foundry10.git

  • SSH git@github.com:CodeTheChangeUBC/foundry10.git


Found a Bug?

To provide suggestions or report bugs, open an issue first to discuss potential changes/additions.