
Illume cluster on OpenStack via terraform and ansible running HTCondor

Primary LanguageHCL


brew install terraform brew install ansible

terraform the base cluster


provision base systems using ansible

cd ansible ./run_playbook.sh

connect to bastion host and get kubernetes cluster set up

ssh -F ssh.cfg illume-bastion ./00_rke_up.sh ./01_taint_control_nodes.sh kubectl create -f 02_nvidia-device-plugin.yml ./03_taint_gpu_nodes.sh ./04_label_kube-system_namespace.sh kubectl create -f 05_illume-namespace.yml kubectl create -f 06_allow-namespace-illume.yml kubectl create -f 07_allow-dns-access.yml kubectl create -f 08_allow-public-internet.yml kubectl create -f 09_rook-operator.yaml ./10_wait_for_operator.sh ./11_label_storage_nodes.sh kubectl create -f 12_rook-cluster.yml ./13_wait_for_rook-cluster.sh kubectl create -f 14_storage_pool_and_class.yml

kubectl create -f 15_rook-tools.yml kubectl -n rook exec -it rook-tools bash rookctl status ceph df rados df exit kubectl delete -f 15_rook-tools.yml

kubectl create -f 16_example-ubuntu-host.yml kubectl -n illume get pods