
A recursive top-down parser written in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Grammar Parser

This is a recursive top-down parser that I wrote as a project for a course in college.

To run the parser, give the filename of a file containing a grammar:

python Derive.py Examples/Date_Format.txt

I used Backus-Naur Form for the grammar syntax, using this Wikipedia article as an example:

; Grammar defining proper format for a date according to ISO 8601
<S> ::= <Y> "-" <M> "-" <T>

; Year
<Y> ::= <D> <D> <D> <D>

; Month
<M> ::= "0" <D> | "1" <A>
<A> ::= "0" | "1" | "2"

; Date
<T> ::= "0" <D> | "1" <D> | "2" <D> | "3" <B>
<B> ::= "0" | "1"

; Digits
<D> ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

On start, the parser will display the grammar from the file in a compact, readable form:

S -> Y-M-T
M -> 0D | 1A
A -> 0 | 1 | 2
T -> 0D | 1D | 2D | 3B
B -> 0 | 1
D -> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Then, it will ask you for a string to derive from the grammar, as well as a separator for the terminals (if needed):

String to be derived (type "_" for lambda or press Enter to quit): 2016-12-25
Separator that divides terminals (press Enter for none):

After inputting the string, the list of derivations from the starting character to the final string of terminals is displayed:

S => Y-M-T => DDDD-M-T => 2DDD-M-T => 20DD-M-T => 201D-M-T => 2016-M-T => 2016-1A-T => 2016-12-T => 2016-12-2D => 2016-12-25

I've also included the paper I wrote for the course, which explains the general concept behind the implementation.